Earthship East Augusta, WA "Earth 1"
This Earthship known as "Earth 1" is an evolution of the "Encounter" Earthship designed by Michael Reynolds of Earthship Biotecture. In fact this Earthship was co-designed by Clive Digney (the owner), Michael Reynolds (Earthship guru/god-father), Harrison Gardner the foreman of the project, and me Martin Freney of Earthship Eco Homes.
It is the first Earthship Biotecture project in Australia, and it was almost complete at the end of the four week workshop. Over 50 people were onsite daily building this amazing Earthship which uses lots of salvaged Western Australian hardwoods. See if you can spot the other recycled materials in the photos below.
This Earthship has state of the art internet connected temperature and humidity sensors that record a measurement every 5 minutes. See the results below. This is BEYOND 10 STARS in terms of energy efficiency.
This project has inspired the Ghipship (Earthship Mollongghip VIC) project and the Zero design.
There are more photos on the Facebook page.
It is the first Earthship Biotecture project in Australia, and it was almost complete at the end of the four week workshop. Over 50 people were onsite daily building this amazing Earthship which uses lots of salvaged Western Australian hardwoods. See if you can spot the other recycled materials in the photos below.
This Earthship has state of the art internet connected temperature and humidity sensors that record a measurement every 5 minutes. See the results below. This is BEYOND 10 STARS in terms of energy efficiency.
This project has inspired the Ghipship (Earthship Mollongghip VIC) project and the Zero design.
There are more photos on the Facebook page.