September 2022 Working Bee at Earthship Goolwa
Come and join the community!
Amy would love to have some helping hands at Earthship Goolwa to help complete external straw bale and tyre wall renders and some internal finishes.
When: Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th September
Time: Please arrive each day at 9.30am for a safety briefing. We will be starting work at 10am and finishing at 4.30pm.
Lunch is provided on both days :)
Cost: this is a free event!
There is an option to camp over on the Saturday night if you would like to stay for both days of the working bee! Bring your tent or your van :) toilet and shower facilities available at the Earthship! There will be a shared dinner, community connections and a small bonfire on the Saturday evening.
Please contact Amy through direct messenger via the Amy’s Earthship Goolwa Facebook page › profileAmy's Earthship Goolwa - Facebook or email Amy directly at [email protected] to register your interest.
Amy is looking forward to sharing “almost complete” Earthship Goolwa with you!
September 2022 Working Bee at Earthship Goolwa
Come and join the community!
Amy would love to have some helping hands at Earthship Goolwa to help complete external straw bale and tyre wall renders and some internal finishes.
When: Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th September
Time: Please arrive each day at 9.30am for a safety briefing. We will be starting work at 10am and finishing at 4.30pm.
Lunch is provided on both days :)
Cost: this is a free event!
There is an option to camp over on the Saturday night if you would like to stay for both days of the working bee! Bring your tent or your van :) toilet and shower facilities available at the Earthship! There will be a shared dinner, community connections and a small bonfire on the Saturday evening.
Please contact Amy through direct messenger via the Amy’s Earthship Goolwa Facebook page › profileAmy's Earthship Goolwa - Facebook or email Amy directly at [email protected] to register your interest.
Amy is looking forward to sharing “almost complete” Earthship Goolwa with you!